Monday, January 19, 2009

Middle-Aged Hip Returns: The Sequel of Symmetry

Ayuh, things are going real well with the resurfaced hip, but now it's mate has packed it in. Over the holidays, my right hip started aching a lot. I spent lots of time standing during poster sessions at the American Geophysical Union meeting, and it really was a chore. All the old symptoms were back -- groin pain, sore lower back, pains running down my leg. The anti-inflammatory I'd been taking (diclofenac) wasn't really making any difference any more. After a few weeks of this getting worse, to the point of not wanting to ride my trainer, or even walk around much, I booted up the whole dance once again: referral from primary doctor, and then the visit to my surgeon, Dr. Ferrante in Easton PA. The result of that visit: February 23rd, I'm having my right hip resurfaced.

I can't say that the whole process is something I remember fondly, but if the outcome is anything like I've had with the left hip, this will be well worth it. I'm hoping for a pretty active summer, hence the decision to sneak in this surgery spanning our spring break (I'm teaching a grad seminar-- if I have to, I'll just drag the class out to my house and soldier on from there). 

I'll report succinctly on what round two was like.

So far, so real good (left hip)

A large gap in posting to this blog, but no news is good news. I had a great year riding my bike: I got in about 4200 miles, and in October 2008 I rode the Seagull Century, completing the ride at a crisp pace (for me) of about 19.5 mph. That's about as fast as I managed the ride about six years ago, and the ride include some real fast paceline intervals and some pretty frequent and rapid accelerations. I figure that at age 52 with a resurfaced hip, I'm doing pretty well.

I did some hiking over the summer outside of Tucson and also in Pennsylvania, without any issues. My visit with my surgeon in August, for the one-year checkup, was good: everything looks solid and in good nick.

Sometimes I do still get a small twinge in the resurfaced joint; it feels like I'm pulling scar tissue. And sometimes (but less often) I'll feel a small clunk, like when slumping in a chair and then dragging my heel back (I guess that pulls apart the joint just a a little). But really, I can't say that I notice the new hip at all anymore (but see next entry....).