Monday, January 19, 2009

So far, so real good (left hip)

A large gap in posting to this blog, but no news is good news. I had a great year riding my bike: I got in about 4200 miles, and in October 2008 I rode the Seagull Century, completing the ride at a crisp pace (for me) of about 19.5 mph. That's about as fast as I managed the ride about six years ago, and the ride include some real fast paceline intervals and some pretty frequent and rapid accelerations. I figure that at age 52 with a resurfaced hip, I'm doing pretty well.

I did some hiking over the summer outside of Tucson and also in Pennsylvania, without any issues. My visit with my surgeon in August, for the one-year checkup, was good: everything looks solid and in good nick.

Sometimes I do still get a small twinge in the resurfaced joint; it feels like I'm pulling scar tissue. And sometimes (but less often) I'll feel a small clunk, like when slumping in a chair and then dragging my heel back (I guess that pulls apart the joint just a a little). But really, I can't say that I notice the new hip at all anymore (but see next entry....).

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