Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 28 - Four Weeks In

I was feeling like I was perched on a plateau, but I have been gaining some flexibility and strength. On Friday (two days ago), the elevator at work was gummed up somewhere, so I hiked up to my 4th floor office using the stairs, walking fairly normally. Yesterday we did a half-mile walk around the neighborhood, and I managed it without crutches, walking in style (in my opinion) and "a lot better" (in my wife's opinion). Anyway, for sure I wasn't waddling. I also got in 25 minutes on the trainer and today made it 30 minutes at over 15 mph. Aside from lacking some strength overall and definitely in my left leg and hip area, the main thing I notice now is some ligering tightness, and stiffening up if I sit still for a long time.

It's only been a month since surgery, so I'm feeling pretty good and optimistic at this point. Given statistics about femoral-neck fractures tending to happen in the first two months, I'm glad I'm halfway to that vague milestone. I also feel like I need to reign myself in and not overdo it until I'm further along.

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